Well, I finally did it. I went to the very top of the Eiffel Tower! I have never been able to do that on any of my trips. I got close a few times, but never could make myself do it. I put my scarf over my eyes until we got to the top. I was afraid I would get sick to my stomach. I took my steps very carefully getting off the lift just in case there was a crack and I would fall through it. Just imagine the headline "Texas woman falls from the Eiffel Tower to a slow and painful death. Spectators looked on in amazement". Ok, so that didn't happen, but it could of!
Wow! what a view. You can see for miles and it makes you realize how big Paris is. We did the smart thing and made reservations last night so we could go to the front of the line. That was one of the smartest things we could of done. The line was soooooo long and it was very warm. We only got to the 2nd level last night since there were so many visitors. Whatever level you go to, it's worth it.
We went into Les Galleries Lafayette (basically a mall) and did a little shopping. Lindsey picked up a couple of cute skirts and perfume. She is happy. After I got tired of shopping and needed to nurse a headache (see below), I went across the street and sat in the cafe and drank cafe au lait and did my favorite past time....watch people. I got to see an old lady with her shirt on backwards, a French couple almost making love at the table next to me and of course a couple of crazy people, like need to be locked up crazy. The mall is amazing. The architecture is very beautiful. Not to mention they carry every chic brand made.
I understand very well that there is very little space in this country and things have to be small. I was reminded of that while in the dressing room. It was so small that when I bent over to take my trousers off my butt bumped the wall which then made me bounce forward and bump my head, which then made me bounce back to the wall....like a pin ball. I had to put my hand on the wall to stop the cycle of bouncing! I guess there is an art to using the miniature dressing room, one that I have not mastered. After 3 hours Lindsey surfaced to show me her "kill". I was still trying to forget my dressing room experience.
More on dinner events later.....I need a nap.
One more day in Paris....and so much Lindsey wants to do!
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