Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Age of Connectivity

Being in an age of technology that allows me to work from any location in the world OR track down a teenager in minutes is awesome.  Now, from another perspective.....packing all of the necessary cables, converters, adapters and chargers for a trip is daunting! I laid out the electronic equipment that I'm pretty sure we need for the month. Lindsey's iPod - check! Cant' take music away from a teenager. Mobile phones - check! I need the ability to track down the teenager in French cafes talking to French boys. iTouch - check! Provides scrabble, Google maps, skype, stock watching etc. for my sanity. Netbook - check! Lindsey insists on the ability to talk to her best friend who is touring China.  I did argue that [they] do have internet cafes in Europe and we were not staying in a cave or Sherwood forest.  Teenager's rebuttle: But what if their connectivity is down, closed, or too busy????  "hmmmm..." I replied. I agreed since it will provide television programs in English when all around me will be French, French and more French.

Along with the load of equipment, I need chargers, adapters and/or converters to the French/Swiss electric power.  Ugh! Why can't we all have the same plugs? Is this a marketing conspiracy?  I have a better idea....why Don't we just stay in Sherwood forest?  We could use the stars for directions, send smoke signals to communicate and listen to chirping crickets for music. that's a nice vacation. I can only dream.

1 comment:

  1. If you want a vacation like that, don't take a teenager! lol But I know you will have a blast! I agree on the all inclusive charger lol That would be nice!
