We are enjoying Strasbourg by strolling the cobblestone streets to find the perfect cafe, dining on the local cuisine (cross with French and German), and sitting in outdoor cafes. The weather couldn't be better. A slight cool breeze that stimulates the appetite by sending wonderful aromas of savory crepes and fresh bread right to us. Ahhhh.....Strasbourg.
The majority speaks French but there is a fair share of German being spoken as well. I can understand a little German. It helped me understand a young girl at dinner who was upset when her pasta dish was presented with a fried egg proudly placed on top. She wasn't very happy and it brought her to tears when the waiter couldn't understand her disappointment with the chef's creation -- pasta al le egg. "You ruined my bowl of pasta.." she whimpered. Her father (?) tenderly took off the egg and said "Wah la!".
It reminded of when the girls and I were in Paris and Lindsey ordered a hamburger at a local cafe. It also arrived with an egg proudly resting on the top of her meat patty. She was surprised and confused, but too hungry to make a fuss. She pushed the egg off and pressed on with eating the burger. Kimberly and I got a good laugh out of the look on her face when the waiter set it front of her. I'm picking up a French cuisine theme here....Egg on top of dish for tourist to see their reaction. I can just picture them in the back of the cafe having a good laugh in telling their stories of the reactions of the day from tourist "...and did you see Pierre's customer cry...that was so cool...silly tourist!"
Tomorrow ---- Moving to the apartment and then visiting Petite France and more food and wine. Ahhhh.....Strasbourg.
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