Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Memories from Salzburg

I had forgotten how wonderful this city is.  Even if you took away the Mozart component, it's still has more than enough to offer. The beauty of the skyline with the river and castles makes your heart skip a beat.  We have spent the past few days just soaking up the city as much as we can before we have to return home.  This is the city that you could stay in for weeks and never get bored or tired of what it offers.  Yes, there are tourist but it's manageable.  There are two main areas to the city - old and not as old.  Each side has something special to offer.  

We have spent a day in Mirabelle Gardens just strolling through the flowers and pebbled paths.  It  gives me pleasure to daydream about the ladies who strolled in the gardens many years ago in their beautiful gowns arm in arm with their suitors. 

One day we took a tour of the lakes and mountains.  We went up into a couple different villages where the backdrop for the small, tidy Austrian homes was a wall of mountains.   The fields were bright green and some bursting with colorful flowers.  I love the way the Austrians are so tidy.  Not a bit of trash to been  seen.  It was like they knew company was coming and they cleaned the country!

Our last evening in Salzburg we had dinner in the castle overlooking the city and then attended a wonderful concert inside the state room of the castle.  It was magical.  I'll never forget it.  Lindsey enjoyed hearing the musicians play music that she aspires to play one day.  She watched the players intensly and inquired about the music afterwards.  I asked her if she missed playing the viola this past month.  She replied, "of course".  Silly me!

The German people are nice and helpful (unlike the French).  Each person that I have talked to either knows English or is learning English.  They welcomed the chance to practice their English.  This wasn't the case in France. Me in France:  "Pardon, parlez vous English?"  French policeman: "No, not at all" (in perfect English).  Then me:  "Not even a little bit? to help me find my way?"  Frenchman: "No, sorry, I only speak French (once again in perfect English)....hmmm....So I decided to end that conversation and walked away.  I have been to both France and Austria a few times and for me it has never changed. They are what they are.  Either you accept or you move on to the next country.  That's what I usually do!

When I return to Europe for my next adventure I will focus more on Germany, Austria and Switzerland.  They are more in line with my personality.  I'll always visit France but I'll be happy knowing that my next stop is Austria.

Guten Nacht.


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